Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rock Hill School Board Self Evaluation of the Monday, August 26 Business Meeting

Meeting Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: By evaluating our past meeting performance, we can discover ways to make future meetings shorter and more productive. Check each item "Very Good" or "Adequate " or "Needs Improvement. " If you check "Needs Improvement, " include suggestions for improvement.
Date: Monday, August 26, 2013
94% Our discussion was cordial and well balanced (not dominated by just a few members).
Comments: None
100% Participation was encouraged
Comments: None
94% Reports were clear, well prepared and provided adequate information for decision making.
Comments: None
94% Our meeting room was comfortable and conducive to discussion and decision making.
Comments: None
My favorite discussion was…….. Because…..
iGuys (Self explainable). Favorite Teacher Recognition. Chris Smith's iRock presentation - communicated well. The sheer complexity and size of the project we have undertaken. iRock deployment going well. Good report. Good meeting. iGuys - students shared their knowledge of the iPads and the many ways they are using the iPads.
My suggestions for future board meetings are...
Reid to give report on School Board Association's Legal conference. Nothing at this time. 1. We discussed as a board to have a goal of quarterly training/team building/planning work sessions dealing with larger issues and longer term issues than we can discuss in regular work sessions. I hope we can begin those very soon especially since we are changing Superintendents. 2. Jeff Venables is one of the teachers called to meet with Governor Haley on a repeating basis. Perhaps he could give a report to the board.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dr. Moody Moving to Salisbury #rockhill #rockhillschools #Salisburync

Photo by Andy Burress, The Rock Hill Herald
Dr. Lynn Moody resigned as Superintendent of the Rock Hill School District at the Rock Hill School Board meeting Monday night and accepted a position as Superintendent of the Rowan - Salisbury School System.

Rock Hill School Board member Walter Brown read the following announcement before the board voted to release Dr. Moody from her contract:

We’d like to thank Dr. Moody for her 10+ years of service to our district. We are much better for her leadership. The foundation she helped build will allow us to continue in her departure.  We know she will do the same for the Rowan-Salisbury School District. We wish Lynn, Wayne, Brad, and Hunter the very best.

We have a very capable staff in place. Our work will continue as we move to build upon Rock Hill’s history of outstanding Superintendents.

The board’s first task will be to hire an interim Superintendent to fill the Superintendent’s role while we go about selecting a leader who will build upon the foundation already established.  We are a very good district, well positioned to maintain a leadership role.

The board will be meeting over the next 10 days to work on an action plan for filling our leadership position.

Dr. Moody's contract with the Rock Hill School District was to June 30, 2018.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Rock Hill Schools August 12 Meeting Evaluation

Meeting Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: By evaluating our past meeting performance, we can discover ways to make future meetings shorter and more productive. Check each item "Very Good" or "Adequate " or "Needs Improvement. " If you check "Needs Improvement, " include suggestions for improvement.
Date: Monday, August 12, 2013
67% Our discussion was cordial and well balanced (not dominated by just a few members).
Comments:  Well, it was frank.
87% Participation was encouraged
Comments:  I thought more participated than usual.
53% Reports were clear, well prepared and provided adequate information for decision making.
Comments:  We asked several questions that could not be answered.
80% Our meeting room was comfortable and conducive to discussion and decision making.
Comments: Too many questions created an extended meeting.
My Number One Topic I wish to discuss at the October Retreat is?
Policy enforcement. Maintaining focus on academic progress. Academics. I'll think about it. Maintaining focus and support on academic progress. What board members should know about student assessment? How should board member handle a school matter phone call from a parent? Review the role and responsibilities of the Board and Superintendent. How should administration work with Board on controversial issues?
My favorite discussion was…….. Because…..
School safety - got a lot done. Grading - Teaching and Learning. Grace from Saluda Trail Middle School - her scholarship. Elementary Report Card.
My suggestions for future board meetings are...
For September Work Session - Community Partners - Bucca DiPePo (I have stuff from them)