Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rock Hill School Board May Business Meeting Evaluation

Meeting Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: By evaluating our past meeting performance, we can discover ways to make future meetings shorter and more productive. Check each item "Very Good" or "Adequate " or "Needs Improvement. " If you check "Needs Improvement, " include suggestions for improvement.
Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2013
94% Our discussion was cordial and well balanced (not dominated by just a few members).
Comments: None
94% Participation was encouraged
Comments: None
94% Reports were clear, well prepared and provided adequate information for decision making.
Comments: None
94% Our meeting room was comfortable and conducive to discussion and decision making.
Comments:Both screens should be used. Left side of board not able to see around speaker. Found the Keurig coffee Machine. Temperature was just right!
My favorite discussion was…….. Because…..
Trail Tutors - confident and model for Challenge Base Learning! Queenie Hall - English Language Arts Common Core - Great presentation and delivery - competent and knowledgeable. Saluda Trail students were prepared and poised. Natalie Rodgers (Northwestern Jr. ROTC)/ Saluda Trail Tutors - shows school success through students. Natalie Rodgers from Northwestern High School - statements about Col. Ahl. Students from Rock Hill High School Business Professionals class. Students presenting and energy winners. So many choices to see/hear our students - our reason for being.
My suggestions for future board meetings are...
Reserve Fund Policy Change.  Board members need to save questions until after the presenter has finished their presentation. Before fall semester: 1. would like to have GBEBC - approved groups for staff solicitation provided to teachers 2. safety upgrades and training updates 3. course scheduling for HIgh School continues to be questionable.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rock Hill School Board May Work Session Meeting Evaluation #rhschoolboard

Meeting Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: By evaluating our past meeting performance, we can discover ways to make future meetings shorter and more productive. Check each item "Very Good" or "Adequate " or "Needs Improvement. " If you check "Needs Improvement, " include suggestions for improvement.
Date: Monday, May 13, 2013
66% Our discussion was cordial and well balanced (not dominated by just a few members).
Comments:Questions by some.  Our discussions are too confrontational. Can you help?
89% Participation was encouraged
66% Reports were clear, well prepared and provided adequate information for decision making.
Comments: Reports were particuarly thorough and helpful tonight answering many questions and generally increasing my understanding of the report cards.
54% Our meeting room was comfortable and conducive to discussion and decision making.
Comments: Too cold
My favorite discussion was…….. Because…..
Report cards - it was totally focused on learning of kids. Nekira's presentation. Information on technology and Nikira's opening. Band fees - the process was great and it worked well.
My suggestions for future board meetings are...
Kerrig coffee machine for board room. I have attended two SCSBA meetings now and would like to do a report if time permits.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rock Hill School Board Retreat Evaluation Results

May Retreat Meeting Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: By evaluating our past meeting performance, we can discover ways to make future meetings shorter and more productive. Check each item "Very Good" or "Adequate " or "Needs Improvement. " If you check "Needs Improvement, " include suggestions for improvement.
Date: Wednesday, May 08, 2013
94% Our discussion was cordial and well balanced (not dominated by just a few members).
  Comments: No comments
89% Participation was encouraged
  Comments: No comments
89% Meeting topics will help the board plan for the future.
  Comments: Let us know where we are and where we need to go.
60% Our meeting room was comfortable and conducive to discussion and decision making.
  Comments: We need to  be sure internet is working properly for everyone involved before meetings now that we are using iPads. Room was great!
My favorite discussion was…….. Because…..
Board Decorum because it will help have more productive meetings. Discussion was cordial and well balanced - hope this will keep the board on task.  Board Decorum - let us know what needs tweeking. Academic progress evaluation. Discussion of transient populations. The tension between our undisputed goals of academic progress verses measuring other goals - parent/community which is important but question as to whether Board priority.
My suggestions for future board retreats are...
Always include some  board development in each retreat. Have everything that will be handed to us as paper sent to us digitally, even if just before meeting. I need a place to report about the SCSEA Board Meeting. We need more time to discuss these topics. I would like for us to work on all the topics in more detail from the meeting. Common Core as it progresses. Budget - we did not mention it today but it is a crucial topic.