Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 10 Rock Hill School Board Meeting Evaluation

Meeting Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: By evaluating our past meeting performance, we can discover ways to make future meetings shorter and more productive. Check each item "Very Good" or "Adequate " or "Needs Improvement. " If you check "Needs Improvement, " include suggestions for improvement.
Date: 12/10/2012
Discussion was cordial and  balanced 93.3%
Comments: None
Participation was encouraged 93.3%
Comments: None
My iRock Concerns were addressed. 66.7%
Comments: Many questions unanswered
The Working on The Work  was helpful 60.0%
Comments: As modified it worked well
The iRock presentation was helpful and relevant 66.7%
Comments: Many questions unanswered
Everyone contributed to the meeting. 86.7%
Comments: None
All members were prepared 66.7%
Comments: None
Reports were clear 60.0%
Comments: Many questions unanswered
Materials were easy to understand and use. 66.7%
Comments: (Digital) Relatively complete. Sooner would be better.
Meeting room was comfortable 73.3%
Don't get in too many details in closing - people phase out. Would like to discuss schools having fundraisers for supplies (example art) at a future meeting    
My best suggestion for future meeting agenda items is...