Monday, February 24, 2014

Rock Hill School Board February Business Meeting Self Evaluation #rhschoolboard

Meeting Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: By evaluating our past meeting performance, we can discover ways to make future meetings shorter and more productive. Check each item "Very Good" or "Adequate " or "Needs Improvement. " If you check "Needs Improvement, " include suggestions for improvement.
Date: Monday, February 24, 2014
85% Our discussion was cordial and well balanced (not dominated by just a few members).
Comments:  None
85% Participation was encouraged
Comments: None
80% Reports were clear, well prepared and provided adequate information for decision making.
Comments: Confusion on booster policy
85% Our meeting room was comfortable and conducive to discussion and decision making.
Comments: Room was too warm for first 30 minutes.
My favorite discussion was…….. Because…..
Recycle Awards. Policy JLCDB - use of Epinephrine because it is so obviously needed and so obviously supported by the board. Always the student opening the meeting. Report on Fountas and Pinnel results between 2013 and 2014. Student Anthony Arnette - good speaker. Recycle Program.
My suggestions for future board meetings are...
Inconsistency in exam exemptions from high school to high school. Budget Process - we have policies in place regarding the process. It doesn't seem that we are following them, particuarly DB and DBG