Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rock Hill School Board Evaluation For April Business Meeting #rhschoolboard

Meeting Evaluation For Monday, April 22, 2013
DIRECTIONS: By evaluating our past meeting performance, we can discover ways to make future meetings shorter and more productive. Check each item "Very Good" or "Adequate " or "Needs Improvement. " If you check "Needs Improvement, " include suggestions for improvement.
83% Our discussion was cordial and well balanced (not dominated by just a few members).
Comments:  Too many interruptions of presenters and side conversations
77% Meeting Participation was encouraged
66% Everyone contributed to the meeting.
66% Reports were clear, well prepared and provided adequate information for decision making.
Comments: A couple of reports were read and not well organized for a public presentation
66% All members were prepared to discuss material that was sent to them in advance
Comments: Some board members do not talk into microphone
77% Materials given to us were easy to understand and use.
60% Our meeting room was comfortable and conducive to discussion and decision making.
Comments: Better, but still needs improvement.
My favorite presentation was…….. Because…..
Student recognition for History Day. Taylor Isaac - opening of the meeting and praise for her school and teachers. The number of custodians who attended. History Day winners - they are the reason. The custodial staff was re-evaluated and some changes are being considered.
My best suggestion for future meeting agenda items is...
Board Goals for continuing iRock Critique Teams - Communication and Evaluation

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 8 Rock Hill School Board Work Session Evaluation

DIRECTIONS: By evaluating our past meeting performance, we can discover ways to make future meetings shorter and more productive. Check each item "Very Good" or "Adequate " or "Needs Improvement. " If you check "Needs Improvement, " include suggestions for improvement.
54% Our discussion was cordial and well balanced (not dominated by just a few members).
Comments:  Some members talked over other members when they asked questions or made statements
83% Meeting Participation was encouraged
89% Everyone contributed to the meeting.
66% Reports were clear, well prepared and provided adequate information for decision making.
71% Materials given to us were easy to understand and use.
71% Our meeting room was comfortable and conducive to discussion and decision making.
Comments: Too Hot
My favorite presentation was…….. Because…..
Items for future meetings - Jim's discussion. Jason - of his future aspirations. Jason Opening the meeting. Jason - all of his roles at school.
My best suggestion for future meeting agenda items is...
Voting - elections- how we elect and how votes are counted. Balancing schools. Strategic Plan Process. Superintendent Evaluation. Board redistricting. Every agenda item took more than twice as long as expected - should we do something different?